Twin Flame Astrology

Is it just karmic? Or is it cosmic love?
What do the planets have to say from their vantage point above?

Synastry Relationship Readings for Soulmates & Twin Flames

We use the insights of astrology to help you find clarity and evolve the harmony and power of your relationship.

Allow us to take you on a journey toward understanding the dynamics of your relationship, from a cosmic perspective!

It’s what everyone wants to know the most… Are we a good match?!

Few are prepared for the honest answer – It’s up to YOU to make the most of the chemistry of your charts! This chemistry is never purely black or white, good nor bad, it just is what it is!

That said, there ARE certain things to look for, markers that show if a connection is likely to be exciting, explosive yet short-lived, or a deep and long-lasting ideal partnership.

A Synastry Reading can serve as a roadmap for your relationship, helping you understand both you and your partner at a much deeper level, including your similarities and differences., ultimately strengthening your bond.

About Us, Mayah & Tobias

Although we didn’t meet all that long ago, we’re already deeply invested in a long term committed partnership that’s super inspiring on the daily, wonderfully harmonious, and highly co-creative.

We live and travel together, flow around a schedule that we crafted together, and are cooking up some big collaborative projects for our mission in the world. The funniest bit is, neither of us were even attracted to the other when we first met!

We couldn’t “see” each other romantically at all ,yet— both of us being astrologers— we could see really powerful connections between our planets and tell-tale signs that our union was not only a perfect match— it was destiny!

Reading our Synastry Chart— how our individual planetary placements interact with one another— was crucially important in the beginning stages of our connection. There were some pretty strong triggers to understand and both of us still had some unconscious programs that we needed to resolve before we could come together in such a powerful way.

Understanding our Astrology Synastry helped us every step of the way.

Within just four months, we grew from being mere acquaintances to falling head over heels in love with each other to co-creating magick together, The development of our relationship was so greatly assisted by astrology it’s safe to say we couldn’t have gotten to where we are now without knowing how to read the symbolism of the stars.

Of course the inner work we did individually before meeting also factors in! The Twin Flame journey is not for everyone! Both of us worked for years to unravel and dissolve our many karmic relationship patterns. Suffice to say we finally met when we were ready— and when the stars aligned!

What a Synastry Relationship Reading will show you:

  • The major themes of your relationship— whether it is a karmic, soulmate, or even Twin Flame connection
  • Areas of compatibility versus tension; what just works and what needs work
  • Your individual communication styles; helping you know each other better, reduce misunderstandings and more efficiently navigate conflict
  • Your individual emotional needs and love styles; what really matters most and how to support one another the best
  • Your shared goals, values and aspirations (crucial for longterm relationship success)

Book a Synastry Relationship Reading with Us

$222 USD


A 60 minute videocall via Zoom with both of us where we walk you through the main aspects to consider about your connection and answer your most pressing questions.

A recording will be provided after the call so you can refer back to it as often as you like! A pdf of your relationship synastry chart is also included.