In the Time of Noah, God spoke to one man and instructed him to prepare for a great flood by building an Ark to save Humanity and the Animals…
In this Now Time, a new flood approaches, and we are millions awakening to God within.
We are building a new Ark— one of Galactic Consciousness— and reactivating the original Divine Template of our DNA…
We are the Arkitects of New Earth.
Board A Time-Bridge to New Earth
Actualize your fullest potential with starseed mentorship and training programs. Learn the Law of Time, Nature’s Design, Cosmic History, Alchemy, Astrology, Metaphysics, Magick, and more.
Join a Journey that blends spiritual pilgrimage with gridwork mission as we sail to ancient sites and guided destinations for activations and adventure and purposeful connection with each other.
Align with Galactic Tribe in physical locations for moon-long residencies and resonant co-living opportunities, We share our skills, our talents, our gifts and our wishes to help each other rise.