The Galactic Ark Manifesto

We are Sovereign Beings

Fully Human and Fully Divine

We Stand for Wisdom, Beauty, Freedom and Love

We Dance to the Rhythm of Natural Time

Our Vision is One of a World Reawakened

to Magick and the Infinite Power of Mind

All Beings Set Free

Through the Heart of Compassion

United as One, Though Each One of a Kind

We are the Arkitects of New Earth

Quantum and Born of the Stars

We are Building Heaven on Earth

A Galactic Future is Collectively Ours

Join The Tribe

As a Creator or an Arkitect


Connect to Soul Tribe, find work and volunteer opportunities, and travel freely to any location in the network.

Creators are Artists, Musicians, Writers, Photographers, Filmmakers, Decorators, Designers, Permaculturalists, Gardeners, Inspired Tinkerers and Storytellers who have specific talents and skills that they wish to share. As a Creator aboard The Galactic Ark you have access to our database of people, projects and places seeking your talent.

Arkitects are Visionary Leaders, Diplomats, Teachers, Technologists, Strategists, Scientists, Engineers, Designers, Alchemists, Magicians, Wizards and Shaman who seek to co-create at a high level with other DJEDI geniuses. As an Arkitect, you are part of the mastermind Crew invited to envision and navigate our course as we sail the cosmic sea bridging humanity to 5D.


As an Arkitect of The Galactic Ark you are a Wayshower dedicated to teaching and guiding others on their ascension journey,