Star Seed Mentorship Program

Learn to Master The Force, Exit The Matrix and Rise as an Arkitect of New Earth.

Do you feel like you come from another planet?
Or maybe even a galaxy far, far away?

Are you overwhelmed by the state of the world… feeling lonely and isolated… struggling to manage your energy and emotions… and confused about how to really help yourself and others?

Maybe you’ve even started to experience supernatural phenomena or your psychic abilities coming online?

The struggle, the mission, the galactic adventure journey is real.

Welcome Home to Galactic Tribe.


A cosmic accelerator packed with an epic synthesis of ancient, esoteric, quantum shamanic wisdom that I’ve embodied through nearly a decade of harrowing adventure. Now, I transfer all dem Lightcodes to help you…

Know Yourself – Trust Yourself – Express Yourself

Find your Alignment, Passion and Purpose

Feel Home with Galactic Tribe


My Mentorship Program is for you if:

  • You want to find your Tribe – other starseeds on the path who can actually see you, feel you, get you, support you, and celebrate your uniqueness.
  • You want to understand the big picture of this ascension journey on planet Earth – how all the puzzle pieces of both science and spirituality fit together.
  • You seek practical knowledge on how to manage and master your energy, mind and emotions, as well as deal with those of others (including dark / toxic 3D dynamics).
  • You experience supernatural or psychic stuff… seeing, hearing or feeling spirits, entities, auras, etc and want to make sense of it.
  • You want to get clear on your role in the game; what you’re really here to do and be, finding alignment in helping others while having fun at the same time.
  • You’re curious to know more about your starseed origins and how to work with the multidimensional energies.
  • You’re open, curious, wild, loving and brave, and you seek to cultivate these qualities more with a kickass crew of StarSeeds who can reflect your true power back to you!

What to Expect:

An Intimate, Supportive, Learning Experience

Pre-Recorded Masterclasses plus weekly live Q+As

Weekly Astro / Human Design & Gene Keys Sessions

Plus, Full Moon and New Moon rituals, guided meditations and journeys to ground in Sacred Intention and empower our manifestations. And access to the private online group, resource library and 1 on 1 support!


Week 1 – Initiation: Apocalypse & Ascension

Masterclass: Apocalypse and Ascension: What’s really going on here on planet Earth and our role as WayShowers and Guides. The Big Picture; the process of transformation that the Earth, Humanity and We are going through right now, drawing together wisdom and insight from multiple fields including: geophysics, quantum physics, ancient and indigenous prophecy, world religions, various astrological systems, timeless non-dual teachings, and galactic transmissions. 

Weekly Live Session: Opening Circle and Guided Group Meditation. Meet and Greet.

Cosmic Blueprint Session: Introduction to the various esoteric tools and systems we will be playing with

Week 2 – Time As Art

Masterclass: The Law of Time and Calendars as Technology
We explore the significance of our disconnect from natural time through the use of the Gregorian calendar and discover ancient and alternative calendar models that realign our bodies and minds to the higher order of cosmic harmony and synchronicity, most importantly the Galactic Mayan Dreamspell 13 Moons Calendar

Weekly Live Session: The Dreamspell 13 Moons Calendar

Cosmic Blueprint Session: Your Galactic Mayan Signature

Week 3 – Practical Metaphysics

Masterclass: Metaphysics & Multidimensionality
How Energy and Consciousness interact on the Earth plane in both the seen and unseen realms, light, sound, frequency and vibration; our electromagnetic design; the effect of geophysical phenomena such as solar storms, and how to handle expanding into your multidimensionality without completely losing your mind.

Weekly Live Session: Open Discussion, Q+A

Cosmic Blueprint Session: Human Design

Week 4 – Yoga & The Body

Masterclass: Yoga & The Body: The Art & Science of Ascension
Yoga as a spiritual science and self-directed path to dissolving trauma and karmic conditioning and activating your divine superpowers; practical approaches to breathwork, meditation, nutrition and working with plant medicine; the subtle body layers. Gain both the Mindset of a Yogi and the Heart of a Shaman to refine your own sacred practice.

Weekly Live Session: Guided Breath Journey, Open Discussion, Q+A

Cosmic Blueprint Session: Human Design 2

Week 5 – Sex, Shadow & Sovereignty

Masterclass: Energy Wars, Control Dramas & Mastering Kundalini
Exploring what it really means (and the work it really takes) to be sovereign. How to deal with density, triggers and 3d relationship dynamics, plus The Dark Side of the Force (psychic attacks, black magick, demons and entities). Expert wisdom on how to fully embrace and integrate your own shadow to develop diamond-cut energetic boundaries and spiritual immunity; how to work with Kundalini to become a master alchemist on Earth.

Weekly Live Session: Open Discussion, Q+A

Cosmic Blueprint Session: The Gene Keys

Week 6 – Galactic Shamanism

Masterclass: Accessing the Higher Heart of Compassion and Connecting to Star Races, Gods and Guides
Spirit Beings, Galactic Guides and Star Family eagerly await our telepathic and energetic connection! They are here to assist us in our ascension process and in creating a peaceful galactic civilization on Earth. We explore telepathy, channeling and how to safely navigate the unseen realms as well as how to work with Arcturian, Lyran, Sirian and Pleiadian beings.

Weekly Live Session: Working with Sound, Voice and Light Language, Open Discussion, Q+A

Cosmic Blueprint Session: The Gene Keys 2

Week 7 – Identity & Embodiment

Masterclass: All is Self – The Highest Form of Service is through Self.
Dissolving the ego to realize one-ness is elementary my dear Watson! The fun begins when we dive back into the game and begin crafting our multilevel playing character! In writing a new mythos for humanity we are tasked with crystallizing a new construct of human identity that serves soul mission and purpose. We explore pathways to knowing the bad-ass Galactic Human we came here to be!

Weekly Live Session: Open Discussion, Q+A

Cosmic Blueprint Session: Tropical vs Sidereal Astrology : Dharma vs Essence

Week 8 – Nature, Tribe & Community

Masterclass: Nature’s Design: An Introduction to Universal Patterns of Harmony
Part of our Earthly mission is to restore The Garden of Eden. Permaculture is the ecological design science based on Nature’s patterns and principles that empowers us to regenerate collapsed ecosystems, grow new systems of resource abundance and reimagine human civilization as symbiotic with the planet. We explore permaculture fundamentals and their application in our projects, plans, strategies, and everyday lives.

Weekly Live Session: Open Discussion, Q+A

Cosmic Blueprint Session: Working with Runes, Sigils & Light Language

Week 9 – Mastering the Material Plane

Masterclass: Money, Magick and Manifestation
Dissolving dualistic beliefs around money and abundance and exploring new paradigms of sacred exchange and economy. How to build your personal brand and worldly presence, plus how to leverage and cocreate with AI.

Cosmic Blueprint Session: Money Markers in your Charts

Weekly Live Session : Closing Circle – Time is Art and You are the Artist!
Though this wild Earth adventure is harrowing at times and requires deep courage and fortitude, we are reminded of the Divine Humour of the Game and share our unique perspectives on The Tantra of Being.




Mayah is a New Earth Arkitect and Galactic Mayan Timekeeper. She has been walking her path of power for more than a decade, traveling thru Central America, Europe and Africa. A planetary grid-worker, she brings together Galactic Tribe wherever she wanders, and guides and mentors other Star Seeds to embrace their gifts and activate their fullest potential.



Tobias is a Psychic Spiritual Healer, Cosmic Djedi & Earthly Gridworker synthesizing various healing arts to catalyze deep transformation for body, mind and soul. He guides breathwork and meditation journeys and facilitates multidimensional healing through shamanic energy work and light language transmissions. He’s also a bit of a galactic pirate!

What Galactic Ark Tribe is Saying…

Mayah is a fierce and humble galactic goddess – an intuitive channel – a spiritual encyclopedia. If you are looking to take the next step in your healing journey (or just to have some mind-blowing conversations) I would recommend her as a supportive, loving, experienced healer and guide. Thank you for your wisdom, guidance, vulnerability, strength, and friendship.

Kin 163 Blue Resonant Night

Everything makes sense now. All questions that are always disturbing me are answered – now more consciously, deeper questions arise, every weird emotion I have felt about myself and this life is now tranformed to bliss. I don’t feel that there is something wrong or missing anymore, no more glitches in the matrix as I am that glitch itself! Through my journey with Mayah, I remembered many situations and memories from my life and understood why it happened the way it did. I never felt that fullness, purpose, and the fearlessness of being my true self in a safe environment before. I realized now that I was prepared all my life to understand this and embrace it, manifest it and help others too. I have so much love for Mayah and I wish every being in this universe feels what I feel right now. It’s all about your intention and courage to escape from this illusional world and step into the real one!

Kin 222 White Magnetic Wind

Your Investment


payable in 3 installments of $333
Scholarships available for Native Mayans and Egyptians

Sounds Epic?

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