We are a Tribe of Mystic, Visionary, Multidimensional, Magickal Beings.

We Travel The World Exploring, Learning, Sharing, Healing, Creating, and Embodying What it Means to Be Fully Human and Fully Divine.

We Celebrate Individual Uniqueness
and Band Together in Community
Knowing our Power to Create is Great
As We Free Ourselves Through Unity

We Are Stars
Seeding Dreams of a World Reborn
in Peace and Loving Harmony.

The Spirit that Unites Us is Curious, Open, Loving, Wild and Brave.

We are Adventurers and Voyagers
Charting a New Course through the Cosmic Ocean of Energy, Frequency, and Natural Time.

As We Re-Member Our Ancient Wisdom
and Re-Vive the Magick Lost to the Piscean Age
We Write a New Myth as the Arkitects of New Earth
and Enjoy Every Moment of Playing on Stage!

Welcome The Aquarian Age!

Join Us on The Journey

Board The Galactic Ark