Mantra for Kin 160: Yellow Self-Existing Sun
I Define in order to Enlighten
Measuring Life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the Self-existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Intelligence
Yellow Sun is your Conscious Self – who you are and who you are becoming.
“I Am that I Am…I Am that I Am…I Am that I Am.” This mantra of Yellow Sun is a meditation for accessing the I Am presence that contains great power and universal truth. Yellow Sun is the mystery unveiled, the simplicity of unconditional love and limitless bliss. Known by many names, Yellow Sun is the Solar Lord, the Mind of Light, the Center that is also your center. Yellow Sun is your solar home, the Great Central Sun.
Yellow Sun is a reminder that you are, at every moment, in the center of All That Is. In your journey of remembrance, you are crafting a light body to return to a home in the stars that you never really left. Return as a child of the sacred to the Great Central Sun! You are the crown of creation, infused with the blueprint of solar mind. You are a Godseed, the reflection of cosmic consciousness. You are love made visible!
Discover the simple secret encoded in Yellow Sun’s star-glyph: you are unconditional love, the stone of indestructible liberation. Radiate that knowing in all your thoughts and actions. Love all of creation. Join the dance of light, the fundamental constant of nature, and shine forth the clarity of your true essence. There is great power in simply identifying with the light:”As above, so below.” You are in God, and God is in you.
As you express unconditional love, you become more than you previously perceived yourself to be. You become illumined, the full manifestation of your divinity. In the embrace of your humanity, accept yourself and others unconditionally. Magnify your full presence. Yellow Sun will come in myriad forms to assist you. Be limitless. Accept and understand the nature of judgement, fear, light and dark within yourself and others. Love and accept yourself and others as you are, freed from previous boundaries. You are the dawning of the solar age.
As you move toward your core of light, you will find a clear-light awareness that is innately innocent. In this place, the mind is restored to it’s original state of receptivity. Clarity and freedom become expressions of being, and bliss becomes the body. At this core of light, a new reality is born. From the union of the divine masculine and feminine is birthed the solar androgyny of cosmic consciousness.
Now we find ourselves in a great awakening. We have the opportunity to retrace our steps, to return to union with Original Cause. We who have deepened the illusion of separation are now poised to retrieve what seemed to be lost forever. Through the gift of rebirth and ascension, we are reclaiming our original state of union with God. We are going home.
The process of rebirth and ascension can be viewed simply as the raising of the vibratory rate of the Earth and her children. It is embodied in the state of consciousness that knows the self as divine. The circlet, or crown, is a symbol of recognizing and knowing that divine self. So the crown as a sacred tool is a universal symbol of the completion of a circle of self-empowerment and self-authority. Full ascension is the freedom to take your physical form with you to other planes and dimensions. In preparation for the ascension, there is an opening and clearing of your light seals and chakras. If you choose to walk this path, know that in the embodiment of your “I Am” self, you will learn to accept all things unconditionally, forgiving and releasing all judgments of yourself and others. The activation of solar mind and ascension is already in progress. In divine fusion, you are becoming the one body of the ascension. Open your heart as a flower to the Sun, and become the same love that holds universes together!

Yellow Warrior is your Higher Self & Guide
Yellow Warrior, the galactic guide, is a mystic ferryman on the return path to the stars; allow Yellow Warrior’s staff to ferry you to the spiraling vortex of cosmic consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the grace of the descent of the dove. Embody the mystic gift of trust in direct guidance. Through trust, you journey to the place of ‘no time’ and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind.
Yellow Warrior is a conduit for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. This is the web of the Mayan mystic spider that weaves intergalactic threads, the conduit of interconnected consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the spider in the web, the grid connection for divine communication. Receive these ripples of knowing from Yellow Warrior’s web through the central axis in your spine, your staff. Accept this gift of knowing in grace, as you would receive the morning light by turning your face to the Sun. Grace is an unexpected touch, a blessing given in love, a natural gift from the universe. Use the power of love like an electrical current to serve the light. Open fully to feel and receive it!
The number for Yellow Warrior is sixteen, the number of unity with the cosmic foundation of resonant evolution. As you embody the ferryman’s staff, you become anchored in your connection to cosmic consciousness. Holding within you the foundational steps of the trinity, you carry the “Christed one” into the world. As a living mystic, you are the conduit of the spiraling galaxies that creates a union with cosmic consciousness. Sixteen may also be seen as the beginning of another octave – a higher octave characterized by organic balance and the new Earth under your feet.
Yellow Warrior’s colours are indigo and gold, combining the limitlessness of the night sky with the freedom of the daytime Sun. If you desire to access grace and trust, focus on these colours.

Red Dragon is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper
Red Dragon represents the root source of life, the nurturance and support of primary being, and within it are found the primal waters of unity. This is where your deepest roots receive true nourishment. Red Dragon is the energy of form contained within the formlessness of the primordial sea.
Primal trust means making choices with no guarantees, knowing that divine nurturance will provide what is needed for your journey. It means making choices moment by moment, implicitly trusting your innate steering mechanism of heart-knowing. Primal trust implies surrendering to the will of the divine self, letting go of what your ego deems to be control of the outcomes in your life. It means deeply trusting the processes that are at work within your present spiral of evolution.
The energy of Red Dragon asks you to embrace the depth of your receptivity. Perhaps you have been taught that it is better to give than to receive. Giving is a powerful way to learn how to receive, but it is not the whole picture. There is a circuit of completion in giving and receiving that happens within you and in your external world at the same time. If you trust unconditionally in the giving, you are not attached to how the gift is received. When you freely give, you fill your cup with sweet waters, which you can then offern innocently and purely to another. Know, on one level, that your gift is poured out universally regardless of how it appears to be received. However, when the gift comes from the ego, it is limited by expectations and conditions. Love just is. It is neither given nor taken; rather it is simply discovered and allowed.
The universe is an inseparable whole. Red Dragon represents the energy matrix lines that look like a web in the universe, through which all points are connected in time and space. This energetic web of communication is known as the ‘crystal grid network.’ It is a cauldron of creation, a potent field in which all things are not only possible but constantly being created. Within this grid, the linear causality of time and space has been freed into an open system in which all time and all space exist and interact simultaneously. This grid connects the larger holograms of reality with our own. Its energy lines connect all places, times and events – even those that are seemingly unrelated. All phenomena and all actions are part of this larger whole; it is the very foundation for telepathy and synchronicity. Red Dragon embodies unity, in which all things are one with the Source.

White Dog represents your Challenge and Gift
With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime.
Do you feel caught up in the emotional drama of life? White Dog asks you to take an honest look at repetitive or obsessive roles. The charged emotions in these roles are often associated with anger, fear, or jealousy. White Dog offers you a different experience of yourself – that of the objective ‘witness’ who can choose, rather than being drawn into charged emotional reactions. You can feel the liberation of observing your life from varied positions. At the same time, befriend the emotional, reactive part of yourself by examining its underlying issues and their emotional source.
All emotions hold the positive intent of assisting you in seeing the truth, receiving the teaching, and healing the root cause. Strong ‘negative’ emotions often come from hidden wounds and unresolved life experiences. Deep emotions may arise from a sense of separation and a desire for unity that may be misunderstood by the emotional body. Are you easily “unhinged” by feelings of possessiveness or jealousy? If so, learn how to take the position of “the other”. Step inside the other’s skin and see how it looks from his or her perspective. Then feel the release that comes from stepping out of your position and understanding from another’s perspective.
Remember, you are always at choice. If you hold memories or wounds relating to unfinished emotional issues, you are being asked to interact with individuals, situations, or memories that still hold their charge. These issues are requesting healing and release. There is no blame, and there are no victims. Now is the time to clear these issues, to make way for new and liberating perceptions.
As you express who you truly are, your companions of destiny acknowledge your true essence, building the trust and connection that reveals your destiny.
The Harmonic Wisdom of White Dog is affinity, the attraction of like vibrations or substances for one another. Such companions are drawn together by the same aligned force that draws iron filings to a magnet. Companions of destiny are drawn together to do work that is naturally harmonious.

Blue Storm is your Compliment – something that comes naturally to you.
Blue Storm is the initiation by fire, the lightning path, the arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, Blue Storm represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. Blue Storm is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. In these last years of a twenty-six-thousand-year Mayan grand cycle, Blue Storm comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to ascension. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is.
Blue Storm provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to surrender everything. You give up what you seem to be in order to become fully what you are. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
Allow Blue Storm’s storm to purify and cleanse you.
Blue Storm catalyzes and prepares your nervous system and circuitry for complete transformation. It is the electromagnetic storm of transmutation, the clearing and quickening of your physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies. As you become aligned with the descending energies, and evolve in consciousness, you body’s vibration is raised, becoming less ‘dense’. Your new alignment ignites the quickening process that transmutes the shadows of the past, including experiences, judgments, thoughtforms, and old patterns that have held you back.
As you move into this new vibration, you may feel off balance. In this transformational shift, you will feel unusual quickening on every level of your being. You will sense emotional and physical ‘imbalances’ and restructuring. Your issues will be catalyzed and brought out for you to address. By being present with your old patterns you have a unique opportunity to access the energy of Blue Storm, which is experienced as an inner transformational ‘storm’, a natural part of the process of vibrational shift and quickening.
Whether you are experiencing these changes consciously or unconsciously, the vibrational change is adjusting your energy pattern to accommodate the flow of the language of light. These new frequencies feed you on every level of your being. As your transformation progresses, you quickly become aware of the unconscious material you still need to process. No longer can you escape the effects of your belief systems. Fears and negative images can all be felt very quickly. The transformation is experienced as if it were happening ‘from the inside out’. Things seem to ‘cook’ inside you.
Remember that you have chosen to take part in this rebirth, both on a planetary and a personal level – the planetary dream, the miracle on Earth, is what brought you here! You are becoming the living model of the new reality. As an emissary of the great change, you are a transformer of the collective myth. Riding the crest of the wave, you are travelling both outward and inward on your journey home – for yourself and for all those who will follow after you.
A simple catalyst for this catapulting force is the integration of duality within. The personal integration of shadow is what will create the miracle! Personal shadow is simply that which is separated from the full light of consciousness. By integrating shadow, you are freed from delusions of right or wrong, good and evil. Shadow provides an opportunity for you to bring in all of your expanded essence.
Consciousness is a structural metaphor that is calling for transformation. As your consciousness becomes crystallized, narrow, and complex, it invites the process of dissipation to ‘unravel’ and break it free. As you travel the spiral vortex of light, expanding into ever-widening realms of truth, your crystallized energy breaks down and transcends form. This process can be very intense, but if you embrace it, you can be transformed into a freed adventurer – a divine actor who can play any part without becoming attached to it.
Your Tone is Tone 4 – Self-Existing
Order, definition, discrimination, natural cycles, meaningful alignment.
Four is the ray of measure, the alignment with natural cycles. It is the square, the base of the pyramid, the solid foundation that unifies the lines of directional force. Four is the diamond asking you to utilize tools of discrimination.
Now is the time to manifest your dream or vision. Look to natural logic, order and definition – these gifts support the whisperings of your creative spirit. You are the architect who manifests your dreams! Open the door and call forth the sacred Four. You are being brought into meaningful alignment, bringing healing into this cycle of your life.
The four directions offer you assistance in understanding universal physical laws. Use measure as a tool of consciousness to mold time, form and space. Now is the time to focus, to connect tangibly with the undefined. Take your ideas and give them discipline and form. Develop the ability to discriminate without creating separation or judgement. Channel your creative energy constructively, generating the power for practical manifestation!
These excerpts were taken from the book “The Mayan Oracle – Return Path to the Stars” by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner
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